"Oh be careful little lips what you say. For the Father up above is looking down in love, oh be careful little lips what you say."
Have you ever stopped to think that what you say can change a persons life? No, really! Your words can completely change a persons life. Still not sure? Well let me give you an example or two:
A man walks into his boss' office. He has been working at the company for about 4 years now and he has a wife and 2 young kids. His wife stays home with the children because he has been making enough money to allow for her to stay home. His boss says, "I'm sorry, but we are going to have to let you go. We have to do cut backs on your floor and you are the newest one to that area." BAM! Those words completely changed that man's entire life.
How about a girl on the day of her wedding. She's got her hair done, her dress on, and is ready to walk down the isle, when her groom appears at the door. He tells her that he cant do this and he doesn't really love her and that he's leaving. Her world is changed. What was supposed to be her dream day, turned into a nightmare because of his words.
While those examples are pretty dramatic and major, they are proof that words affect others. Even things you say without thinking they will really affect someone, might actually really impact them, either for good or for bad.
James warns us of the power of our words when he says, "Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell." (James 3:5-6)
I know I used this verse in a previous post about swearing and stuff, but this time, I'm going to apply it to a different part of your life (and mine). Bible verses can apply to all parts of your life, and when it comes to the tongue and words, that is part of all aspects of our life. Lets look a little bit further down the passage and see what James says.
"With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers (and sisters), this should not be." (James 3:9-10)
Hmm... how can we be praising God, but hurting others, and still think that its ok? It isn't.
Ok, now think of a time where someone hurt you with their words. Do you think they purposely were out to hurt you? Some of them might have been, but others might have been by accident. Now think about things you have said that might have hurt other people. Did you purposely go out to hurt them? Unless you were being super spiteful, you probably weren't out to hurt the other person.
What are some ways you can think of that you hurt other people with your words or you have been hurt by other peoples words? I'll give you my list to help you think some through.
Gossip- I know, its so normal! Everyone gossips, so why shouldn't I? Well God calls us to build one another up. "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." 1st Thessalonians 5:11. Gossip breaks people down...
Sarcasm- even used in fun, I personally find that sarcasm is hurtful and kinda rude. Again, build one another up. Sarcasm tears them down.
Abuse- Verbal and emotional abuse tend to go hand in hand. I know girls who have been told that they are fat, that they are ugly, that they are too tall, or too short, or not pretty enough or just plain out not beautiful. How about my friends that have been told they aren't lovable? Or what about dramatic? Or too needy? Not good enough? Has this affected them? Umm... YES!!! They have next to no confidence left, even though they are some of the most gorgeous amazing God loving girls that I know. Did the people who told them that build them up? Nope, not at all. Their words destroyed. And this goes both ways. Verbal and emotional abuse happens to both guys, and girls. Please guard your words!! And please know that God made each of you in His image and you are all perfect! God does not make mistakes, no matter what anyone on earth says. He is God, He made you perfect.
Criticism- ok, not all criticism is bad. Constructive criticism is good, and it can help people a lot too. However, before you criticize other people, double check yourself. Please don't go up to people and tell them everything they are doing wrong... that will hurt them more than you can imagine. Instead, look at yourself and figure out what you are doing wrong. If you really need to address it, do not go in a blame it all on them or say that they are doing this, this, this, this, and this wrong or that they are this, this, this, this, and this and you're not ok with it. Instead... approach it with love, humility, and grace. Instead of saying you dont like the things that they are doing or those certain things about them, say that you are feeling *insert feeling here* and you would like to work on it together and maybe try *insert idea here*. Take note that how you word things will change how the person will receive it. If you tell them all the things they are doing wrong... they will be really hurt. If you say that something is making you feel a certain way and you'd like to try it a different way, it might hurt them, but it will hurt a WHOLE lot less.
So when you really think of it... all your words should be building each other up. They should be pleasing for God's children and for God. All humans are God's children and deserve to be treated as such. So in your every day life, how are your words changing people? How are they showing God? How are they building others up? If they aren't, then maybe you need to be spending time in God's word and in prayer asking Him to guard your words so that only pleasing things come from your mouth.
Speak blessings not curses on your brothers and sisters in Christ. Go forth and continue to build one another up and make each other stronger for Him.
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